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篇名 運用Orem理論照護一位新發糖尿病患者併有酮酸血症之護理經驗
卷期 2:2
並列篇名 Nursing experience of Caring for a new diabetes patients with diabetic ketoacidosis by the application of orem's theory
作者 陳雅紅李易靜韓玉蘭
頁次 157-169
關鍵字 新發糖尿病酮酸中毒Orem護理理論the new diabetes patientdiabetic ketoacidosisOrem nursing theoryTSCI
出刊日期 200312




This article examines an application of "Orem nursing theory" for looking after the new diabetes patients who also has complications of Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA). During the treatment, the author applied "Orem nursing theory" as the clinical nursing instruction method and collected data from comprehensive assessments by observing and interviewing the patients. Five major nursing problems were revealed: ineffective airway clearance, fluid volume deficit, self-care deficit, anxiety, and health maintenance is altered. In order to control the development of diabetes, the author had applied some treatments such as offering nursing to partial compensatory nursing, and correcting the wrong recognitions from suffering. To further achieve the goal of the patient's self-support/self-education at home, the author also provided diabetes and some routine healthy and educational relative activities to the patients.
