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篇名 血液透析工作人員污染性針扎之探討
卷期 2:1
並列篇名 The strategy to contaminated needle-stick injury of hemodialysis unit personnel
作者 郭麗雀蔡珮盈白幸桂王春葉陳靖博
頁次 028-039
關鍵字 血液透析污染針扎傷害hemodialysiscontaminatedneedle-stick injuryTSCI
出刊日期 200303




The purpose of present study was to investigate the incidence of contaminated needle-stick injury and factors involved in this accident among hemodialysis unit personnel. From 1995 to 2001, there were 49 injury events. The annual rate of needle-stick injury was 8.6% in study subjects. Further statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 8.0 software. Our results showed that most of these injuries occurred on nursing personnel (79.3%); 27.6% events occurred in personnel who worked on the hemodialysis unit for 5-10 years; and 24.1% in personnel who had worked one year or less. Fifty-one percent of the injury events were noted in terminating hemodialysis therapy and 24.1% were experienced when introducing the needle into the saline line. We conclude that it is of importance to identify the risk in handling needles during hemodialysis therapy. Appropriate management of medical apparatus can prevent the accidental injury.
