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篇名 腹膜透析病患採用民俗醫療行為的分析研究
卷期 1:2
並列篇名 The analysis of the folk medicine utilization behavior in peritoneal dialysis patients
作者 梁靜祝熊秉荃江杏珠劉芳怡張美珠陳淑卿
頁次 106-120
關鍵字 民俗療法腹膜透析病患醫療行為folk healing activityperitoneal dialysis patientsmedicine utilizing behaviorTSCI
出刊日期 200212




The purposes of this present study were to understand the purposes, perceived effectiveness, and social support from various folk caring activities practiced by peritoneal dialysis patients concomitantly with western medical care. Twenty-seven renal failure patients were interviewed through a semi-structured questionnaire about their experiences of practicing different religions, diet, and exercise activities after they were diagnosed with end-stage-renal disease, and before and after they received continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) treatment. Results showed that all these patients had practiced different folk caring activities before or after receiving CAPD; however, the amount of dialysate and number of daily CAPD were not affected. About 90% of these subjects had utilized folk religion, 56% utilized folk dietetics, and 85%utilized breathing and exercise techniques not for curing their renal disease but to prevent further deterioration of their illness. All folk healing activities were perceived either as being effective or of not being physically or mentally harmful to their body and mind conditions. Spouses and parents were major supports who either helped patients or were directly involved in conducting folk healing activities. It is very common for patients with chronic illness to use folk caring and curing activities in combination with western medical treatment. Although the medical effects of folk caring and curing activities on diseases is still unknown, its influence on the mind and spirit for people living with chronic illness can't be ignored.
