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篇名 家庭結構、家庭功能、自我控制與兒童問題行為之縱貫性研究
卷期 3
並列篇名 A longitudinal study on family structure,familyfunction,self-control and child problem behavior
作者 周愫嫻温淑盈
頁次 149-197
關鍵字 一般化犯罪理論自我控制兒童問題行為a general theory of crimeself- controlchild problem behavior
出刊日期 200409


本研究以立意取樣選取台北縣板橋市某二國小448 名一年級學童並持續追蹤至國小三年級,透過家長及班級導師之問卷調查,以一般化犯罪理論為研究架構探討家庭因素、自我控制與兒童問題行為間之關係,以及兒童自我控制和問題行為的發展與變化。主要研究發現有:(一)家庭結構、家庭功能未能有效影響自我控制;(二)造成兒童問題行為之主要因素為自我控制,與家庭結構、家庭功能較無關;(三)兒童之自我控制(衝動性、冒險性及低計畫性)具有改變性。


The longitudinal study purposively sampled and surveyed 448 elementary
students in Taipei County in 2001 and managed the followed-up survey in 2003.By using two-wave dataset, the research attempted to examine the hypotheses proposed by Gotterfreson and Hirschi’s general theory of crime. The result indicated that:(1)there was no significant effect of family structure and function on children’s self-control;(2)self-control was an important predictor of child problem behaviors regardless of their family structure and function;(3)children’s self-control(i.e.impulsivity, risk-taking, low-planning)was improvable in time.
