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篇名 扒竊被害者報案決意歷程與被害反應之研究
卷期 5
並列篇名 A study on victims' reporting behavior and reacions to pickpocket crime
作者 邱淑蘋許春金
頁次 091-141
關鍵字 扒竊報案報警功利觀點正義秩序被害反應pickpocketcrime reportcall policecrime victim responsecrime notification
出刊日期 200509




Empirical studies have shown that many victims of pickpocket did not report their victimizations to the police. These dark figures of crime have distorted official crime statistics and influenced greatly crime prevention policy. The goal of the study is to present data from an empirical study regarding victim’s decision to notify the police. The research is useful to explore the public policy implications, especially
policies that might improve victim’s well being, and their willingness to cooperate with the criminal justice systems.Data were collected from 8 victims by face-to-face in-depth interviews, 4 had sought assistance from police and 4 had not. It attempts to discover the recognition,cognitive, coping, and social interaction in the decision process of reporting
behavior.According to this present research, many victims may not label the event a crime, naturally they would not want to notification. Though the effects of the pickpocketing do not involve the sense of security, but cause the victims to lose financial properties and valuable goods. Therefore, the victims who suffered from greater losses are more likely to report to the police. The main reason to call police is not to hope to recover the losses, but to have a record in the police to mark that
their certificates have been stolen. If anything happened, they don’t have to be responsible for it. Meanwhile, many victims do not have faiths in police ability to maintain social order. They are not looking forward to the policeman to be aware of the public security and expect the police to make more patrols. Utilitarianism and economic perspectives are the key points to explain victims reporting behavior.
