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篇名 楚漢之際劉邦集團親衛組織成員的動向及其職能考述──以郎和郎將為中心
卷期 2:1
並列篇名 Activities and Functions of Liu-Bang Group’s Personal Body System during Chu-Han Period
作者 李昭毅
頁次 087-105
關鍵字 親衛組織郎將戰時職能personal body systemLang-JiangLangwartime functions
出刊日期 201006




Liu-Bang Group’s personal body system formed of
Lang-Jiang(郎將), Lang( 郎) and Zhi-Dun(執盾) of military
system and Ye-Zhe(謁者), She-Ren(舍人) and Zhong-Juan(中涓)
of bodyguard system during Chu-Han period, in which the military system was the main force. This essay tries to inspect the members’ activities of the personal body system and its functions along with the developing context of the Liu-Bang’s military actions. In the initial research, the military system took more duties of the field forces, and the bodyguard system took more duties of the bodyguard function. Besides, they both had a duty of scheme, plan and military service under command. This essay
aims at the basic understanding of the origins and developments of
the division in the Early Han’s imperial bodyguard system.
