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篇名 《文館詞林.隋文帝平陳大赦詔》劄記
卷期 2:1
並列篇名 Research Notes on “Emperor Wen of Sui's Amnesty Edict for Conquering Chen” in Wen guan ci lin
作者 傅揚
頁次 197-212
關鍵字 天下一統詔令(書)意識形態思想文化史Sui Dynastythe re-unification of Chinaedictideologyintellectual history
出刊日期 201006




The Sui (581-618) conquest of Chen Dynasty (557-589) in 589 was of great historical significance, for it marked the epilogue of 300-year-long disunion of China; nevertheless, being considered from the perspective of intellectual history, further investigations of this event are needed. This essay views imperial edict as a vehicle of ideas and ideology, utilizes “Emperor Wen of Sui's Amnesty Edict for Conquering Chen” in Wen guan ci lin as core material, and makes reference to other sources as well as historical context to disclose intellectual and cultural atmosphere at that time. The text of the edict is first recorded, and then follows research notes on notable passages; by virtue of these notes, the cultural mentality of the period around re-unification, the problem of legitimacy, and the political anticipation of contemporaries are succinctly depicted.
