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篇名 照顧一位子宮頸癌患者接受根治性手術的護理經驗
卷期 14:3=43
並列篇名 Nursing Experience of a Cervical Cancer Patient Receiving Radical Abdominal Hysterectomy
作者 吳秀嬌
頁次 323-330
關鍵字 根治性手術子宮頸癌護理Cervical cancerRadical abdominal hysterectomyNursing care
出刊日期 200309




     This article described the issues about the pain, anxiety, and the possibility of infection during the hospitalization of a 35-year-old female cervical cancer patient. A good relation with the patient was established through nursing, observing, and counseling. The skills of making the patient accepting the truth and taking care of herself were useful. The patient was able to deal with her own physical and mental problems with our assistance. She should be brave enough to take the challenge of the disease in the future.
