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篇名 一位母親面對呼吸窘迫患孩其壓力及調適行為
卷期 14:2=42
並列篇名 Pressure and Adaptive Behavior of a Mother Coping with a Respiratory Distress Newborn
作者 許惠玲張玉珍
頁次 191-198
關鍵字 母親早產兒壓力調適MotherPrematureStressAdaptation
出刊日期 200306




     This paper reported the pressure and adaptive behavior of a mother of a premature newborn with respiratory distress. During the period of neonatal intensive care, the verbal and non-verbal interactions between the case and her sick baby were recorded. The pressures of the mother were mainly from the appearance of the premature baby, the anxiety of being isolated, and the fears for special medical treatments and equipment. The factors affecting parenting included fears for the premature baby being hurt, concerns of disease improvement, and comparison with others. The responses of the mother included disappointment, mourning, uncertainty, and adaptive behaviors of using supportive systems, seeking for information, establishing intimate relationship, and accepting facts. We concluded that the aids from medical staffs supportive systems may help to relieve the pressures of an anxious mother with premature newborn.
