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篇名 臺灣中餐廚師專業職能、繼續教育與職涯發展關聯之研究
卷期 7:3
並列篇名 The Study of Relationship between Specialized Function, Continuing Education, and Career Development for Taiwanese Cuisine Chefs
作者 柯文華李佳靜
頁次 261-284
關鍵字 中餐廚師專業職能繼續教育需求成效評估職涯發展Taiwanese cuisine chefSpecialized functionContinuing educationNeedEffectiveness evaluationVareer development
出刊日期 201009


本研究旨在探討臺灣中餐廚師之廚師專業職能、專業職能繼續教育需求、繼續教育成效評估與職涯發展之影響進行分析。研究對象以曾經參加經過衛生機關審核通過的持證廚師繼續教育課程之廚師,利用問卷調查方式進行資料蒐集,共發放694 份,有效問卷共386 份,有效回收率為56%。研究發現,以Pearson 積差相關分析驗證結果,除了「廚藝週邊能力需求」與「廚藝相關知識」未達顯著性相關,廚師專業職能、專業職能繼續教育需求、繼續教育需求與職涯發展之各變項間均呈現顯著之相關。而經逐步多元迴歸分析結果,「廚師專業職能」與「繼續教育成效評估」對職涯發展具有顯著預測力,其預測值達45.6%。另外,線性結構模式檢測結果顯示,廚師專業職能、專業職能繼續教育需求、繼續教育需求與職涯發展為一具有因果關係的線性模式。綜合各項研究結果與發現,本研究提出進一步建議,可提供訓練機構與業界人力資源管理上之參考。


The purpose of this research was to study the matching degree of Taiwanese cuisine chefs of specialized functions, the needs of the specialized functions for continuing education, the effectiveness of the assessment for continuing education, and its impact on career development. A survey questionnaire was distributed to collect information. Of the 694 questionnaires collected, 356 were valid, resulting in a 56% response rate. For this research, the Pearson Product-Moment Correlation was used to show the significant correlation between each of the variables. In addition, there were no significant relationships between the constructs of “peri pheral competence need of culinary art” and “related knowledge of culinary art”.By utilizing multiple regression analysis, the “chef’s specialized function” and “the effectiveness evaluation of continuing education” showed a 45.6% significant predictive power for career development. In addition, the linear structural model results showed that career development was affected by the chef’s specialized function, the need for continuing education, and the evaluation of the effectiveness of continuing education. Based on these results, this research has made further recommendations that could be used as a practitioner’s reference for both training an organization and for human resources management.
