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篇名 國中導師僕人式領導之初探
卷期 9:2
並列篇名 A Preliminary Study on Servant Leadership among Middle School Homeroom Teachers
作者 陳錦惠陳世佳
頁次 123-142
關鍵字 僕人式領導國中導師班級經營Servant leadershipHomeroom teacherClassroom management
出刊日期 201012




The purpose of this study is to explore how the servant leadership concepts can be applied by the middle school homeroom teachers on their classroom management.This study adopted qualitative research method and used purposive sampling to select three reputable teachers from a middle school in Taichung County. Semi-structured interview was conducted for data collection.It is found that these three reputable homeroom teachers demonstrate many traits of servant leadership on their classroom management, such as: 1) open attitude:listening, sympathy, and healing; 2) diverse thinking: persuading and conceptualization; 3) actions: stewardship and building community. These interviewed teachers also are found to be good facilitators for students with special needs. Even thought they are recommended as servant leaders and demonstrate many traits conformed to servant leadership, they all have difficulties to accept their role as “servant”.It is suggested that servant leadership can be an effective classroom management style for middle school teachers and should be taught in teacher education and in-service training.
