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篇名 教師專業發展中之學校與教師角色
卷期 9:1
並列篇名 The Role of School and Teacher in the Teacher’s Professional Development
作者 黃富揚
頁次 87-104
關鍵字 教師專業發展教師角色學校角色Teacher’s professional developmentTeacher’s roleSchool’s role
出刊日期 201006




Recently, taiwan has launched a seuqence of educational reform actions to
promote the quality of education.In the reforms, teachers’ professional developmnet is noteworthy.It’s a big issue concerns about the whole dimensions of instruction.Teachers’ professional developmnet aims to pursue educational excellence and conduct radical educational reforms.But in the changing times, school and teachers’role must be redefine.
According to the redefinition, we can understand what’s the appropriate behaviors.Therefore, the article aims to explore the functions of teacher
and school in the teachers’ professional development, and try to find the new collaborative relationship.Based on the results, the author makes some suggestions for the improvement of futuer professional developmnet.
