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篇名 閩南方言本字考證
卷期 32
並列篇名 Textual Research on Original Characters in the Southern Min Dialects
作者 徐芳敏
頁次 399-422
關鍵字 漢語方言閩方言閩南方言本字考證□鹺Chinese dialectsMin dialectsSouthern Min dialectsOriginal characterTextual research on original characterTHCI
出刊日期 201006


本文為「閩南方言本字考證」系列的第五篇。共考釋S 2 'ì哥A.cko ' B.ckho J ( ,苦的周;久煮;乾煮J);S3' 著(看艦) A 豆tsua ' B 豆tua J ( ,鹽口豆tsua J r 以豆醬或鹽酪潰菜類或小魚,作為下飯物J '鹹豆k 日m 著(看艦)豆tua J “ vegetables etc. preserved in sauce; sa1ted foods kept ready in the hOl間\" ) ; S 4 '室主A. çtsua B.çtua J ("to shake about horizontally with a somewhat circular motio凡as a tray of grain.") S 5 「倚ua~ J ("to lean heavily upon with the hand." )四個方言詞、七個音 讀。


This paper is the fifth in a series of textual studies to ascertain the origi nal characters (本字) for some pronunciations in the Southern Min dialects. The characters dealt with here are the following four words , with seven pronunciations: r?,哥A.cko , B.ckho J (to thicken, as with congee , stew, dry cook); ,著(看艦) A 豆的間B.çtua J ( ,鹽口豆的ua J “ vegetables or small fish seasoned with soy sauce or salt served with ri 間 and '鹹豆kiam 著(看艦) çtua J “ vegetables etc. preserved in sauce; salted foods kept ready in the house"); ,室主A.çts間, B. ç tua ) ( "to shake about horizontally with a somewhat circular motion, as a tray of grain" ); and '倚ua~ J (“ to lean heavily upon with the hand" ).
