
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 聲韻覺識、唸名速度和流暢性對中文閱讀理解的影響:結構方程模式與增益效度之探究
卷期 34:1
並列篇名 The Effects of Phonological Awareness, Rapid Naming Speed, and Oral Reading Fluency on Chinese Reading Comprehension: a Study of Structural Equation Model and Incremental Validity
作者 張毓仁邱皓政柯華葳曾世杰林素貞
頁次 1-28
關鍵字 聲韻覺識唸名速度流暢性閱讀理解結構方程模式phonological awarenessrapid naming speedoral reading fluencyreading comprehensionstructural equation modelTSSCI
出刊日期 201103




We probed the structural model of phonological awareness (PA), rapid naming speed (RAN), oral reading fluency (ORF), and Chinese reading comprehension with the structural equation modeling (SEM). Besides, with the hierarchical regression analyses (HRA) we further examined the incremental validity of PA, RAN, and ORF to the reading comprehension. Two hundred fifty Taiwanese 3rd graders received a PA test, RAN tasks (digits, Chinese phonetic symbols known as Zhu-Yin-Fu-Hao, and colors), an ORF task (with three different versions according to the participant's schoolbook), and Chinese reading comprehension test. The major findings were as follows. First, the latent constructs of PA, RAN, and ORF overlapped with one another. Secondly, the Chinese reading comprehension structural model proposed by researchers did not only fit the 3rd graders' data, but it also significantly accounted for 26% of Chinese reading variance. Lastly, in the analysis of covariance situation of PA, RAN, and ORF, the HRA result showed that PA was the best predictor for Chinese reading comprehension.
