
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 非語言敏感度:權力差異與不同社會角色期待的效果探討
卷期 34:1
並列篇名 Nonverbal Sensitivity: Examining the Effects of Power Differential and Different Social Role Expectations
作者 林怡秀李怡青
頁次 55-77
關鍵字 人際敏感度性別差異權力社會角色interpersonal sensitivitygender differencepowersocial rolesTSSCI
出刊日期 201103




Interpersonal sensitivity refers to one's ability to accurately detect and decode cues communicated by others. Past research showed that women enjoy superior interpersonal sensitivity over men; different explanations were offered in theories from a power perspective and social role theory. Theories from the power perspective suggest that women rely on their interpersonal sensitivity for protection, due to their relative lack of power in the society. Social role theory suggests that women are more likely to be (or are expected to be) caretakers, which require their attention to others. As a result, women develop superior interpersonal sensitivity over men. Based in Snodgrass's interaction paradigm, we designed an experimental study to test explanations offered by these theories. In the experiment, two individuals were told to work on a task which either required them to be providers (focusing on earning money) or caretakers (focusing on taking care of others). Before interaction, they were randomly assigned to be the leader or the subordinate, respectively. The results showed that interpersonal sensitivity in interaction can be best accounted for by theories from the power perspective. Subordinates were more sensitive to how leaders felt about them (the subordinates), whereas leaders were more sensitive to how subordinates felt about themselves. In addition, we found three-way interactions of participant sex, power, and social role, suggesting that the effects of power manipulation were constrained by the gender implications of the tasks. Motivation was offered to account for the differential effects of power manipulation.
