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篇名 中華樂舞文明與葫蘆神話之研究
卷期 87=6:2
並列篇名 Investigation of the Chinese Musical and Gourd & Life Mythology
作者 林秀貞
頁次 271-293
關鍵字 圖騰律動葫蘆生殖洪水神話TotemGourdReproductionMyths of the floodTHCI
出刊日期 201010




Since time began, mankind has looked upon the humble gourd as a symbol of fertility. Totems have been designed in the shape of the gourd and revered in worship by devotees seeking ethereal help in producing offspring. This paper incorporates information gathered from historical accounts,relics and local folklore to highlight the close association of life and death with the gourd.During ancient times, the gourd was used to make percussion receptacles that generated musical notes when struck. Then people started singing and dancing to these joyous sounds,
celebrating life and the continuity of life bestowed by the gourd. That was the beginning of a culture of dancing to music. Tracing the path from man’s worship of the gourd through to the birth of musical dance, this
paper attests to the notion of “the dance of life” as inspired by the life-giving gourd.

