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篇名 悲憫疲憊之概念分析
卷期 58:2
並列篇名 Compassion Fatigue: A Concept Analysis
作者 傅家芸陳幸眉
頁次 098-103
關鍵字 悲憫疲憊概念分析compassion fatigueconcept analysisMEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 201104




Compassion fatigue is a relatively new term in nursing. This term
describes mood swings experienced by healthcare providers that are both complex in origin and intensify over time due to cumulative stress. Quality of care can be affected if compassion fatigue goes untreated. This paper presents a concept analysis of compassion fatigue using Walker & Avant’s method. Results show the defining attributes of compassion fatigue to include: 1. accumulated patient and family suffering; 2.
sufferer unable to release built-up stresses effectively; and 3. negative effects on physical, psychological, and spiritual health. Identified antecedents of compassion fatigue included: (1) working as a healthcare provider; (2)investing sympathy in others over a long period of time; and (3) ignoring stress symptoms and personal emotional needs over time. Identified consequences of compassion fatigue included: (1) decreased
coping ability; (2) damage / destruction of patient relationship; and (3) increased medical care costs.This study conducted a concept analysis to offer a better understanding of the concept of compassion fatigue and provide a reference for nursing practice and compassion fatigue-related nursing research.
