
臺灣宗教研究 THCI

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篇名 道教內丹的思想類型及其意義─以唐代鍾呂《靈寶畢法》為論述核心
卷期 9:1
並列篇名 The thinking model and its meaning of inner alchemy about Taoist priests Chung-Lu’s work in Tang dynasty
作者 鄭燦山
頁次 029-057
關鍵字 內丹鍾呂靈寶畢法人觀身體技術Inner alchemyChung-LuLing-bao bi-faDefinition of humanTechniques of cultivating bodyTHCI
出刊日期 201006




The purpose of this article is to figure out the philosophical meaning of
the scripture “Ling-bao bi-fa” by analyzing the text .
The process of discussion is mainly developed in three aspects. First of
all, the special opinions on human being which we can find them in Chung-
Lu’s work will be highlighted by comparison with three Chinese intellectual traditions. And them could be recognized as a new definition of human being,a viewpoint on human being.Secondly, the contents of these ideas of Yin-Yang & five phases etc. in the system of inner alchemy would be confirmed. And then we will find that these ideas would at last be deconstructed and abandoned because of their pragmatic meaning.Finally, I try to illuminate practical effort of inner alchemy which refers to the body and technique, in order to discuss their meanings of ontology.
