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篇名 服務學習課程之規畫--以大仁科技大學為例
卷期 36
並列篇名 The Curriculum Design of Service-Learning--A Case Study of Tajen University
作者 王巧燕王秋傑
頁次 201-216
關鍵字 服務學習服務教育Service-learningService education
出刊日期 201003


近年來,各校積極推動「服務學習」,大仁科技大學雖自91 年度即展開服務教育,但至今尚無結合服務學習的課程,實無法提供學生將課堂所學的知識和技術應用於真實生活中的機會。本文先探討服務學習的意涵和功能,其次分析大仁科技大學實施概況及問題,並參酌各大專校院實施狀況,對該校服務學習推展之方向提出規畫建議。希望該校能加速服務學習課程的實施,提供多元化的服務學習課程,以落實該校「服務人羣」的目標。


In recent years, service-learning is widely promoted in many schools.
Although Tajen University practiced it since 2002, there are no curricula incorporated with it. This deficiency bereaves students of the chance to apply the academic knowledge and skills to daily lives. This study aims first to explore the definitions and functions of service-learning and then to analyze the general situation and problems at Tajen University. Consulting the present situations of service-learning at colleges and universities, this study also tries to offer designs and suggestions on the orientation of service-learning to Tajen. This final objective may contribute to the acceleration of delivering multiple service-learning courses and carry out the prospect of serving people at Tajen University.
