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篇名 Structure, function and mechanical properties of selected biological materials
卷期 16:3
並列篇名 若干精選生物材料的結構、功能與力學性質
作者 Chen, P.Y.Lin, A.Y.M.Lin, Y.S.Meyers, M.A.McKittrick, J.
頁次 135-166
關鍵字 力學性質生物材料仿生學鮑魚鹿角河馬牙非洲mechanical propertiesbiological materialsbiomimeticsabalonecrabhorseshoe crabantlerhippo teethwarthog tuskgreat white shark teethpiranha teethdogfish teeth
出刊日期 201009




Mineralized biological tissues offer insights into how nature has evolved these components to optimize multifunctional purposes. These mineral constituents are weak by themselves, but interact with the organic matrix to produce materials with unexpected mechanical properties. The hierarchical structure of these materials is at the crux of this enhancement. Microstructural features such as organized, layered organic/inorganic structure, and the presence of porous and fibrous elements are common in many biological components. The organic and inorganic portions interact at the molecular and micro-levels synergistically to enhance the mechanical function. In this paper, we report on recent progress on studies of the abalone shell,crab exoskeletons, antlers, tusks, teeth.
