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篇名 協助一位社會資源貧乏之跌倒老人居家自我照顧護理經驗
卷期 16:3
並列篇名 A Nursing Experience in Assisting an Elder who Lived without Sufficient Social Support After the Accident to Rehabilitate self-care
作者 傅純雅李美雲
頁次 181-192
關鍵字 社會資源跌倒自我照顧social resourcefalling downself-care
出刊日期 201009


本篇個案報告在描述一位雖與配偶同住,但形同獨居的女性老年個案因跌倒導致自我照顧能力缺失的居家護理經驗,護理期間自2009 年2 月12 日至5月4 日。筆者藉由觀察、會談方式收集主、客觀資料,發現個案有自我照顧功能缺失(移位、個人衛生、沐浴、如廁)與再次跌倒的危險性等健康問題,透過社會資源的連結、運用與協調,解決個案急迫性生活照護需求外,協助以助行器下床行走,恢復自我照顧能力如:移位、個人衛生、如廁、沐浴等,並降低家中可能造成再次跌倒的危險環境。期盼藉由本文與同仁分享,了解社會資源的相關訊息和其連結與運用,在個案後續的照護需求中佔有舉足輕重的地位,特別是在現今持續攀升的高齡化社會,更突顯其重要性。


This case report described a nursing experience in assisting an elder of
impairement of self-care ability after falling down in self-care, and although the client lived with her spouse but like the shape with lives alone. The duration of nursing care was from Feb. 12 2009 to May. 04.2009. The author collected information via observation and interview,and found the problems of health including of impairment of self-care ability(movement, personal hygiene, taking shower and toilet) and the risk of falling down. The author not only resolved the requirment of urgent life care via the link, performance andco-ordination of social
resource, but also assisted in walking with walker, improved the ability of self-care including of movement, personal hygiene, toilet and taking shower, and improved the risk environment to decreasing the possibility of falling down again. The author hoped the reader could understand that the link and performance of social resource had the essential part in the requirment of the client's care after falling down especially in the elderly community.
