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篇名 「和」與「德」─柏拉圖與孔子的樂教思想之比較
卷期 20
並列篇名 The Comparison between Plato’s and Confucius’ Thoughts of Cultural Cultivation of Music
作者 李美燕
頁次 123-146
關鍵字 和諧中和柏拉圖孔子樂教harmonyConfuciusPlatomusical aestheticscultural cultivationChinese philosophyGreek philosophy
出刊日期 201012


「和」(和諧與中和)是古希臘與中國先秦時期音樂美學中的核心觀念,本論文旨在探討柏拉圖(Plato, 427-347 B.C.)與孔子(551- 479 B.C.)樂教思想中之「和」與「德」的關聯性,全文以柏拉圖的樂教思想為主,先耙梳與釐清柏拉圖樂教思想中的基本論題,再分析「和諧」概念在柏拉圖樂教思想中的意義,接著,對柏拉圖與孔子的樂教思想之異同做比較。最後,筆者將指出柏拉圖樂教思想中的「和諧」與孔子樂教思想中的「中和」其實是道德教化的同義詞,然由於兩人對人性本質和宇宙觀的認知差異,使兩人的樂教思想各自展現不同的特色,尤其是對「和」(和諧與中和)的理解更是大異其趣。


was a key concept in ancient Greek and Chinese musical aesthetics. This case study aims to discuss the correlation between harmony and morality in the thoughts of Plato and Confucius in regard to the cultural cultivation of music. Based on historical texts, such as “Protagoras,"“Republic,"“Symposium,"“Phaedo,"“Phaedrus,"“Timaeus,"and “Laws,"dealing with Plato's musical philosophy and aesthetics, the author will analyze the basic concept of Plato's cultural cultivation of music in order to clarify and simplify the exegesis of harmony's significance.
After illustrating the intricate significance of harmony in depth, the author will further discuss how ancient Greek culture, especially as reflected in Plato's thoughts, likewise emphasized harmony in the cultural cultivation of music, and why Plato incorporated it into his ideals. Then, the author will compare Plato's and Confucius' thoughts on cultural cultivation of music with the aim of analyzing the similarities and differences regarding their concepts of the cultural cultivation of music.
Finally, the author will reveal that “harmony” was virtually synonymous with morality in Plato's and Confucius' perspectives regarding the cultural cultivation of music. However, Plato and Confucius took different paths to attain their goals. In addition, the author argues that the differences between the concepts espoused by Plato and Confucius regarding harmony in the cultural cultivation of music were also due to the cognitive differences concerning human nature and viewpoints of the cosmos.
