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篇名 商品化影像勞動下的工會行動:記錄片職業工會的案例
卷期 26
並列篇名 The Union Action under the Commercialized Image Labor: An example of Documentary Media Worker Unioon
作者 李耀泰
頁次 1-48
關鍵字 商品化影像勞動紀錄片從業人員職業工會定型化勞動契約國家統合主義CommodificationImage workDocumentary media worker unionStandard labor contractState corporatismTHCI Core
出刊日期 201012




A labor union is an organization formed for the protection of labor rights. In Taiwan, most researches related to the subject of labor unions concentrate on the industrial union rather than the craft union. These works consider a craft union’s functions to be limited to ensuring workers’ labor and health insurance. This article deems that craft unions founded after democratization would display some interesting dynamics; accordingly, it aims to examine these dynamics by undertaking a case study.Documentary Media Worker Union founded after democratization was chosen for the analysis. This article focused on the characteristics of image labor, how does it get commercialized, and the market risk faced by documentary workers; at the same time, I examine the market behavior of the Documentary Media Worker Union, and if there are any characteristics or functions beyond those craft unions designated by the state.The study found that Documentary Media Worker Union functioned as collective organizations of documentary workers, attempting to influence market relations and enhance their occupational influence through various market behaviors, like set standard labor contract, establish publishing channel. Through these activities, they could protect their own working rights. These activities also lent new connotations to occupational labor, especially in context of public participation and the image of the craft union; in addition, the activities influenced individual work and the employment protection of labor.
