
東吳法律學報 TSSCI

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篇名 侵害型不當得利中的「損及他人」要件的理論發展
卷期 21:4
並列篇名 The Development of Quantum Meruit in the Type of Infringement
作者 劉昭辰
頁次 001-037
關鍵字 侵害型不當得利不法性理論內容歸屬理論專屬權益一般財產利益統一說非統一說EingriffskondiktionRechtswidrigkeitstheorieLehre vom ZuweisungsgehaltAusschlieβliche NutzungVermögensinteresseEinheitstheorieTrennungs theorieTSSCI
出刊日期 201004




The concept of “auf Kosten” (infringement on another person’s rights which causes detrimental impact on such other person’s interests) of “Eingriff” (the type of infringement)within the theory of quantum meruit has been a difficult and controversial issue. The development of the theory started from “Rechtswidrigkeit”, then to “Zuweisungsgehalt”.
Much discussion has occurred on this subject and has spurred the development of new theories. This article would like to introduce and analyze the pros and cons of traditional “Rechtswidrigkeit” theory and “Zuweisungsgehalt” theory. In addition, I would like to
discuss new theory recently developed, and wish to determine the most appropriate “Eingriff”theory for quantum meruit.
