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篇名 國小四年級新移民子女對社會領域教科書本土知識閱讀理解之試探性研究
卷期 22
並列篇名 A Pilot Study of the New Immigrant Children's Reading Comprehension on Social Studies Textbooks: The Example of the Elementary School Forth-Grade Students
作者 張淑芳曾榮華黃蕾琇
頁次 085-107
關鍵字 本土知識新移民子女閱讀理解Local knowledgeNew immigrant childrenReading comprehension
出刊日期 201012




This study focused on the new immigrant children’s reading comprehension on local knowledge in social studies textbooks. Specifically,this questionnaire of the study was self-compiled by researchers according to
the elementary social studies textbooks for local knowledge in reading
comprehension. It not only investigated the forth-grade students’ reading
comprehension of new immigrants on local knowledge in social studies
textbooks, but also explored their reading comprehension difficulties.
The study found that new immigrant children’s scores in the questionnaire about reading comprehension on local knowledge in social studies textbooks were slightly lower than the average children’s, but the
overall scores of students in general were no significant difference in the case.Through careful analysis of the new immigrants of different nationalities, the scores of the American immigrant’s child were the best. The mainland Chinese new immigrants’ children were the second. Then, the Vietnamese and Filipino new immigrants’ children were the third. And, the Indonesian immigrant’s child was the least.Those children’s main difficulty in reading comprehension was that they
lacked of the life experiences about text content. And, they knew little about the meanings of words in the textbooks, so they couldn’t understand the text content.Finally, the results of the study are for teachers, textbook editors, and follow-up researchers’ reference.
