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篇名 社區居民對附近森林步道的環境識覺之研究-以宜蘭縣為例
卷期 22:4
並列篇名 A Study of Environmental Perception by Community Residents toward Nearby Forested Trails in the I-Lan County
作者 廖學誠林鴻忠林香白歷
頁次 277-296
關鍵字 森林步道環境識覺民眾參與Forested TrailsEnvironmental PerceptionPublic Participation
出刊日期 200812




The purpose of this research is to study the environmental perception of community residents toward four nearby forested trails in the I-Lan County. Based on the questionnaire (n=411)and statistic analysis, the results show that the respondents seldom visit these nearby forested trails,while they stay there for a long time period. The main motivations for the respondents to visit forested trails include nature sightseeing, exercise and hiking, and relaxation and taking a rest. Through the
factor analysis, respondents’perception toward forested trails could be
summarized into three factors including trail function, public
participation, and trail management. In addition, respondents’satisfaction
toward forested trails could be also classified into three factors including trail characteristics, trail resources, and trail facilities. Overall, community residents generally appreciate the multi-functions of
the forested trails, and recognize the importance of public participation in trail management. They also highly satisfy trail characteristics and local resources.
