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篇名 Exploring Important Factors Affecting the Adoption Strategies of Cloud Services Using the Rough Set Approach
卷期 468
並列篇名 運用粗糙集合理論探測影響雲端服務採用策略之重要因素
作者 Wu, Wei-wenLee, Yu-ting
頁次 031-040
關鍵字 雲端服務雲端運算粗糙集合Cloud servicesCloud computingTechnology acceptance modelRough set theory
出刊日期 201006




Cloud services can be viewed as service solutions based on the cloud computing. The adoption of cloud services has become a topic oftremendous interest because organizations struggle to improve their Information technology performance. Utilizing cloud services may advance an organization‟s competitiveness. However, many organizations are worrying about issues of security and reliability. This leads to the result that a number of organizations intend to introduce the internal cloud solution. Here arises an imperative issue of how to identify significant factors affecting the adoption strategies of cloud services. Hence, this paper develops a research framework based on Technology Acceptance Model related theories with additional imperative constructs such as security and trust, together with employing rough set theory for data analysis. According to the findings of this study, management implications and conclusions are discussed.
