
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 大學的教學與研究品質提升觀點之探究--以蘇格蘭地區的大學為例
卷期 34:2
並列篇名 Perspectives on Quality Improvement in Teaching and Research in Scottish Universities
作者 吳清山Wilkinson, J. Eric高家斌
頁次 033-052
關鍵字 蘇格蘭品質保證教學研究Scotlandquality assuranceteachingresearchTSSCI
出刊日期 201106




The case-study design was based on two contrasting Scottish universities. The two universities-one old, one new- were chosen to explore the perceptions of key staff regarding the impact of QA systems on both teaching and research in their respective institutions. Within each of the two institutions, key staff (four in each university) most of whom worked in similar education academic units (Faculties or Schools) were interviewed on a 1:1 basis.The study showed that perspectives on quality improvement arrangements were significantly shaped by the historical and cultural background of the institution. The findings demonstrated that staff in the ancient university perceived the quality assurance systems in Scotland on the whole to helpful in improving the development of teaching and research, whilst staff in the new university were significantly sceptical of the value, not only of the previous QA arrangements but also of the new procedures, but to a lesser extent.
