
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 數學相關學系女大學生之性別特質認同對主觀課業價值與數學測驗表現影響路徑之建構
卷期 34:2
並列篇名 A Path Analysis on the Mathematics Related Course Program Students' Identification of Gender Characteristics, Subjective Task Value and Mathematics Test Performance
作者 胡悅倫陳皎眉陳世芬
頁次 053-083
關鍵字 數學性別特質認同主觀課業價值數學測驗表現mathematicsidentification of gender characteristicssubjective task valuemathematics test performanceTSSCI
出刊日期 201106




mathematics learning. In addition, these participants also believed in the notion that learning mathematics leads to a better career, which in turn will give them substantial gains in the future. However, almost around 90% of the female participants did not agree with family-oriented traits. With regards to the male participants, subjective task value acted as a mediator between the intrinsic motivation for mathematics learning and usefulness, which also indicated indirect effects on the mathematics test performance. Furthermore, family-oriented traits had indirect negative effects on mathematics test performance. For the female participants, subjective task value through usefulness had indirect effects on mathematics test performance. More specifically, family-oriented traits seem to show non-significant effects on mathematics test performance. According to the findings, some suggestions for future applications and researches were proposed based on the discussion of this study.
