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篇名 論「言以知物」、「言以出令」、「言以考典」--以《左傳.昭公》為探究中心
卷期 16
並列篇名 The Power of Words Spoken: Based on the Chapter of Lord Zhao in Zuo-Zhuan
作者 簡翠貞
頁次 091-128
關鍵字 左傳昭公言辭以和為美Zuo-ZhuanWords spokenRhetoricLord ZhaoLiRites of ZhouYueYayueChinese classical musicHarmony is beauty
出刊日期 201012


《左傳》以史傳經,兼顧釋經與敘史,劉知幾稱美其:「言事相兼,煩省合理,故使讀者尋繹不倦,覽諷忘疲。」為立言之高標,著作之良模,辭宗丘明,早有定評。尤以記言內容,包羅萬象,最為人所稱道。既是一代實錄,故事無大小,言無善惡,盡傳於後;大者政治、經濟、外交、軍事、盟會、禮法,小者方伎、術數、器物、宮室、族姓名字譜牒等,多採摭入文;口頭語言、外交辭令、誄文、禱辭、誓師文、銘文、議論、諫議、致辭、文告、書信,都在言辭、文辭的範圍內。因此,本文首先申論《左傳》對言辭文辭的重視,次則擇取昭公三十二年間(541-510B.C.)三段傳文加以賞析論述:一為<昭公元年(541B.C.)>:「虢之會,楚公子圍設服離衛」、二為<昭公九年,(533B.C.)>:「屠蒯請佐尊」,三為<昭公十五年(527 B.C.)>:「晉荀躒如周」,分別以其中三句載言:「言以知物」(<昭公元年>)、「言以出令」(<昭公九年>)、「言以考典」(<昭公十五年>)為探究中心:說明其背景,加以評析;論述其所彰顯的尚用尚文觀念;並闡發作者對禮樂之教、人文精神、審美理論等關注的態度與見解,文末則歸本於禮,闡揚《左傳》的資鑑精神。「言以知物」、「言以出令」、「言以考典」,三句載言都從言語的功用出發,但立意微旨各有不同。「言以知物」,藉列國大夫眼中所見,側寫公子圍的野心;「言以出令」,借屠蒯之言,刺晉平公失政;「言以考典」,借叔向之言,譏周景王失禮。楚靈王汰侈無禮,致有乾谿之辱;晉平公違禮,晉霸更衰;周景王失禮失樂,王室名存實亡,禮之於己、於人、於國可謂大矣;無禮無以立,信然!作者於春秋末世禮崩樂壞之際,諄諄焉論禮、昌禮、明禮,一篇之中,三致其意,欲挽狂瀾於既倒,其歷史見解與經世之志,於昭公三十二年間,論述特多,本文謹加尋繹、剖析、闡釋。


Zuo-Zhuan that recorded affairs and statements of historical significance is arguably one of the greatest Chinese masterpieces. Its focus on historical statements is outstandingly all-inclusive and has won great acknowledgements by later generations. Affairs of small and great and words or statements of good and wrong were all recorded and passed on to future generations. Informal words, rhetoric in diplomatic functions and words put in writing were all covered in the book as well. This study first explains why Zuo-Zhuan stressed on spoken words. Secondly, it selects three paragraphs from the Chapter of Lord Zhao dating back to
541-510 BC to make further statements: (1) A summit taking place in Guo where officials from different places came to meet and made their comments on Prince Wei. This event dated back to 541 BC. (2) Tu-Kuai, an honest advisor to Lord Jin-Ping (in 533 BC). (3) Jin-Xun-Li arrived in Chou where the palace of Chou Dynasty was located (in 527 BC). Three statements were taken from the Chapter of Lord Zhao as the core of this study. This study will show that:spoken words hold the key to bliss or misfortune (as supported by the event taking place in 541 BC); command is issued by words (as supported by the event taking place in 533 BC);
authoritative words are quoted (as supported by the event taking place in 527 BC). The backgrounds of the three stories will be depicted and analyzed in order to reveal how words function and their practicality. Insights on the caring attitude and advanced understanding towards the proper teachings of Li (Rites of Zhou) and Yue (Yayue, Chinese classical music),the humanistic spirit and the appreciation of beauty displayed by the author of Zuo-Zhuan are also shared. In the end, conclusions are made on Li, and the historical consciousness and view of world peace of Zuo-Zhuan are further set forth.
