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篇名 略論第一代網路詩的實驗特質--以ponder與Elea(代橘)的作品為例
卷期 16
並列篇名 The Experimental Specialties of First Generation Internet Poems: Take Ponder and Elea as Examples
作者 曾志誠
頁次 001-027
關鍵字 網路詩多向文本後現代主義解構理論Internet poemBBSWWWHypertextPost-modernismDeconstruction
出刊日期 201012


隨著網際網路不斷發展,其影響力深入當代的每一層面。在此一狀況下,「文學上網」是一個必然的趨勢。在台灣,網路早已成為文學愛好者的秘密花園,從1990 年代中期開始,便不斷有新的寫手、新的平台相繼出現。單就網路上的現代詩這一塊而言,筆者曾經提出過一個觀點:以使用平台與創作方式為切分點,將之分為三個世代:第一代網路詩寫手的所慣用的發表介面為BBS,主要特色為對於平面詩壇長期以來樹立的權威,從形式與內容進行對應或對抗;第二代網路詩寫手的活動空間為WWW,其寫作策略則為藉由網路回攻平面詩壇;第三代網路詩寫手則以論壇與部落格作為遊樂場,相較於前兩代寫手明顯的企圖,他們似乎顯得更為自在與純粹。本文即跟隨此一分期概念,針對第一代網路詩寫手當中較具有實驗性格的對象,進行較為深入的探討,希望透


The Internet is growing faster and faster, and affects every aspects of modern life.“Literature On-line” is an inevitable tendency. In Taiwan, the web had become a secret garden. Since the Mid-1990s, many new writers and new platforms came to the fore. I used to divide the Internet Poets into three generations by two principles: first, the chosen platform;
second, the creating method. The writers of the first generation internet poems used to announce their works on the BBS, tried to fight against all authorities is their main focus. The second generation's platform is WWW, their strategy is to acquire the authority. The third generation takes the Blog and Forum as their playground, compare with their forerunner, they are more unrestrained and simple. This thesis, follow the very concept, will take the first generation Internet poets who are willing to use the experimental method in creating their works as samples, to discuss their experimental specialties through analyzing the contents and
styles of their works as well as their creating strategies, and try to mark the differences between them and earlier poets.
