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篇名 Keynote Speech for the 25th Annual Conference of the Physical Therapy Association of the Republic of China (Taiwan):Secondary Disability, Implications for Physical Therapy and Its Clients
卷期 25:6
並列篇名 中華民國物理治療學會第二十五次年會特別演講:二次失能-對物理治療與病人之含意
作者 Joan M Walker
頁次 361-370
關鍵字 失能小兒麻痺症物理治療DisabilityPostpolioPhysical therapyTSCI
出刊日期 200011


本人將於此演講中定義二次失能(Secondary Disability)並討論其對物理治療本身與物理治療之病患之隱含意義。本人將以小兒麻痺症之後症候群(Late effect of post polio sequelae)為例來檢討目前常使用之失能模式(disability models)與其限制因子,並列舉其對物理治療之含意與物理治療對二次失能之處理方法。物理治療師必須瞭解二次失能之病態機制並明辨小兒麻痺引起之二次失能之治療方式與小兒麻痺急性期之方式完全不同。為使二次失能之病患能主動參與物理治療之過程並發揮其最大之潛力,物理治療之從業人員與學生對二次失能與小兒麻痺症之後症候群皆應有一定之資訊與瞭解。


In this address secondary disability will be defined and discussed. Late effects of poliomyelitis post polio sequelae, will be used as an example to examine current disability models and their limitations. Implications of secondary disability to physical therapists and its management will be outlined using post polio as an example. Physical therapists need to understand the pathomechanics of secondary disability and recognize that intervention in post polio is distinctly different from the approach in the initial, acute illness. Physical therapy students, indeed all health professional students and practitioners, should be exposed to information on secondary disability and the late effects of poliomyelitis if individuals with these disabilities are to participate to their maximum capacity in life.
