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篇名 二位公私立幼稚園教師專業發展之傳記史探究
卷期 8
並列篇名 A Biographical Study of Two Preschool Teachers’ Career Development
作者 張純子
頁次 001-016
關鍵字 幼兒教師傳記史生涯發展專業發展preschool teacherbiographycareer developmentprofessional development
出刊日期 201008




Through into the life stories and biographies of two teachers, this study discussed the meanings and values of career development of preschool teachers. This biographical study could provide marginal teachers with some opportunities to voice their life and teaching experiences. From preschool teachers, two heterogeneous teachers, one from a public preschool and the other from a private one, were selected. Through their narration of personal stories about career development, this study explored how gender and socio-cultural factors shape these preschool teachers’ personal and professional development and affect their teaching processes. Unlike previous studies, the present study was based on the views of teacher’s self development process. It drew attention to the long-standing environmental and structural problems in preschool education and the necessity of gender and socio-cultural views and discussion about these views. It revealed that both public and private preschool teachers would counter internal and external environmental constraints to their career development. The issues and meanings of “heterogeneity” in professional development of preschool teachers could help academic communities have more comprehensive understanding of teacher’s self expectation of professional development.
