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篇名 外籍母親對學齡前子女教養信念之研究
卷期 8
並列篇名 A Study of Foreign Mothers’ Cultivating Beliefs About Educating Preschool-aged Children
作者 黃淑嫆蔡秋桃曹惠雅
頁次 017-039
關鍵字 外籍母親學齡前子女教養信念Foreign mothersPreschool-aged childrenCultivating beliefs
出刊日期 201008




The purpose of this study is to understand foreign mothers’ cultivating beliefs about educating preschool-aged children and influencing factors. In-depth interviews with six foreign mothers are conducted in order to understand the foreign mothers’ cultivating beliefs and problems on one hand,and on the other hand to arouse society’s concerns for the foreign mothers’ problems in educating their children so that their families and children can be assisted to have a better future development. Findings of the study include: 1. As to the current condition of cultivating preschool children of foreign mothers, the parents are both willing to devote themselves to raising children; the mothers play the roles as “tough moms, ”while the fathers play the roles as “soft dads.” 2. As to the cultivating beliefs about educating preschool- aged children, the foreign mothers wish their children a healthy growth, good character and academic chievement. In case of conflicts about cultivating children, the husbands’ family beliefs are taken as the primary. 3. As to the factors affecting foreign mothers’ cultivating beliefs about educating preschoolaged children, the environment and culture factors as well as the cultivating beliefs from the mothers’ original families and the husbands’ relatives are all influential.
