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篇名 探究式自然科學活動之行動研究—以真真幼兒園大班為例
卷期 8
並列篇名 The Action Research on Exploring Activity of Science at Kindergarten
作者 李長燦洪文東
頁次 059-075
關鍵字 幼兒行動研究探究式自然科學活動young childrenaction researchexploring activity of science
出刊日期 201008




The nature of science is exploring, and the role of teacher is helping children to explore science. According to that understanding, the researchers decided to develop the strategies of instruction, and then evaluated the strategies can be used or not. The researchers worked with the teachers at a kindergarten in Ping-Tung county for one year. During the process of action research, the researchers found that the exploring activity can be used and attained three conclusions as follows: (1)pose the important elements of the theme is useful to design the scientific activity plans; (2)change the question style and enhance group-discussing can promote children’s exploring motivation; (3)children’s “spontaneous concept” is the foundation of learning “scientific concept”. Finally, the
authors provided two suggestions to the readers.
