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篇名 使用Jamar握力器評估抓握動態耐力之再測信度
卷期 34:6
並列篇名 Test-retest Reliability of Grip Endurance Assessed by Jamar Dynamometer
作者 邱宜君林宜萱李庭蓁胡名霞
頁次 357-363
關鍵字 握力耐力再測信度Grip strengthEnduranceTest-retest reliabilityTSCI
出刊日期 200912


害而影響手功能。以Jamar握力器於重複施測最大握力之再測信度高,但缺乏以握力器測試抓握耐力的信度研究,故本研究希望建立以Jamar握力器評估健康受試者之抓握動態耐力之再測信度。研究方法:本研究針對21名健康成年人,於一週間進行兩次抓握耐力測試。受試者須跟隨節拍器連續執行最大自主用力,紀錄力量下降到小於50%最大握力的時間,代表動態抓握耐力。結果:所有受試者前、後測之抓握耐力時間平均分別為59.76±30.78秒與65.45±26.86秒,兩次結果具備中度信度(ICC=0.510)。受試者中男性的兩次耐力時間具備低度信度(ICC=0.351),而女性兩次耐力時間則具中度信度(ICC=0.674)。結論:使用Jamar重複執行最大握力並以下降至50%最大握力的時間作為抓握耐力的測試方法。建議未來研究探討測量手握力之耐力的最佳方法,以達到準確、安全,且有效率的施測結果。(物理治療 2009;34(6):357-363)


Background and Purpose: Gripping is an important functional movement for both daily and occupational activities. Repetitive and excessive gripping movement may cause hand injuries and limits daily function. Jamar dynamometer is frequently used for measuring maximal grip strength but the reliability for assessing grip endurance has not been established. The purpose of this study was to explore the test-retest reliability of grip endurance using a Jamar dynamometer. Method: Twenty-one healthy adults participated in this study. Participants were first asked to demonstrate their maximal grip strength using the Jamar dynamometer. After a resting period of 5 minutes, they were asked to perform self-perceived maximal grip strength repetitively following a rhythm created by a metronome. The time when strength fell below 50% of the original maximal grip strength was recorded as the endurance time (s). Each participant was tested twice separated by one week. Results: The mean endurance time of the first and the second test was 59.76±30.78 and 65.45±26.86 seconds respectively. The test-retest reliability was moderate
(ICC=0.510). The test-retest reliability was low for male participants (ICC=0.351) and was moderate (ICC=0.674) for female participants. Conclusion: The test-retest reliability of grip endurance assessed by the Jamar dynamometer was medium. Further study is needed to explore possible ways to improve the reliability of grip endurance measurement using the Jamar dynamometer. (FJPT 2009;34(6):357-363)
