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篇名 影響社區居住老人活動相關之跌倒關注程度的因子
卷期 34:5
並列篇名 Factors Influencing Level of Activity-related Concern of Falling in Community-dwelling Older Adults
作者 楊文傑林桑伊
頁次 288-296
關鍵字 害怕跌倒老人跌倒平衡Fear of fallingFallOlder adultsBalanceTSCI
出刊日期 200910


(β=0.18-0.31)、健康相關生活品質中的生理健康分數(β=-0.14)、功能性伸取(β=-0.27)、單腳站立時間(β=-0.15)與站立姿勢性搖擺(β=0.22)五者的迴歸係數達顯著水準。結論:在日常活動高度獨立的社區老人中,跌倒關注的程度主要受害怕跌倒等級的影響;此外亦與實際平衡功能的表現有關。(物理治療 2009;34(5):288-296)


Background and Purpose: Although the level of concerns of falling during daily activities has been found to be useful in measuring the fall- related psychological responses, its application in Taiwan remains scarce. The purpose of present study was to investigate factors influencing the level of activity-related concern of falling among community older adults. Methods: Two hundred thirty-four community older adults participated in this cross-sectional study. Subjects first nswered structured questionnaires regarding basic sociodemographics, Barthel index, healthrelated quality of life, fall history in the past year, degree of fear of falling and level of activityrelated concern of falling. Subjects then underwent balance and mobility tests, including functional reach test, timed one leg stance, stance postural sway, Timed 'Up & Go' and maximum strength of the lower limb. Multiple linear regression analysis was used to determine the contribution of these potential influencing factors for the level of activity-related concern of falling. Results: Mean age of subjects was 74.3 years old. Mean Barthel index score was 99.9; indicating subjects were highly independent in basic activities of daily living. Regression showed that 44% of variance in the level of concern of falling could be explained by the contents of questionnaire and the performances in balance and mobility tests (R2=0.44). Nevertheless, only the fear of falling (β=0.18-0.31), physical component score of health-related quality of life (β=-0.14),
functional reach distance (β=-0.27), timed one leg stance (β=-0.15) and stance postural sway (β=0.22) contributed significantly to the level of concern of falling. Conclusion: Level of fall concern in highly independent community older adults was mainly influenced by the degree of
fear of falling and balance performances. (FJPT 2009;34(5):288-296)
