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篇名 「國際功能、障礙和健康分類」(ICF)簡介及其於臺灣推廣之建議
卷期 34:5
並列篇名 Introduction to International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) and Recommendations for Its Application in Disability Evaluations in Taiwan
作者 廖華芳黃靄雯
頁次 310-318
關鍵字 分類歷史身心障礙鑑定ClassificationHistoryDisability evaluationTSCI
出刊日期 200910


鑑於「身心障礙者權益保障法」之規定,於身心障礙等級鑑定,台灣將於2012年全面採用符合「國際功能、失能和健康分類」(International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health,簡稱ICF)系統之編碼,包括位碼與限定值,以瞭解身心障礙者之功能需求。本文乃簡介ICF概念、歷史、編碼系統、核心位碼、台灣ICF推動概況與建議,希望藉此促進國內相關人員於ICF運用之參與。(物理治療 2009;34(5):310-318)


According to the Protection Act for Rights and Interests of (Physically and Mentally) Disabled Citizen promulgated in 2007, the disability evaluation in 2012 have to be based on the coding and qualifier framework of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health
(ICF) to ascertain the functional needs of persons with disabilities. This article introduces concept, history, coding system, and core sets of ICF as well as the current status of ICF application in Taiwan. Finally, the authors also propose some recommendations to promote the application of ICF in Taiwan. (FJPT 2009;34(5):310-318)
