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篇名 溫度感覺量化測試於腕隧道症候群之信度分析
卷期 34:5
並列篇名 Reliability of Thermal Quantitative Sensory Testing in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
作者 劉雅棻林高田陳天文李佳玲呂怡靜
頁次 280-287
關鍵字 感覺量化測試腕隧道症候群信度Quantitative sensory testingCarpal tunnel syndromeReliabilityTSCI
出刊日期 200910


(thermal Quantitative Sensory Testing)可定量溫度感覺功能,本研究的目的以溫度感覺量化測試,使用於腕隧道症候群病患檢驗其信度。研究方法:30位經臨床症狀及神經電學確診之腕隧道症候群病患,以TSA-2001溫度感覺量化測試儀測試,分別測試冷溫度閾值(cold detection threshold,CDT)、熱溫度閾值(warm detection threshold, WDT)、冷痛覺閾值(cold pain threshold, CPT)及熱痛覺閾值(heat pain threshold, HPT)。分別研究測試內信度(intra-session reliability)與再測信度(test-retest reliability)。結果:測試內信度方面四種閾值信度良好,組內相關係數(intra-class correlation coefficient, ICC)數值於CDT、WDT、CPT及HPT分為0.86、0.90、0.81及0.89。再測信度方面四種閾值信度也良好,相對信度ICC值分別於CDT、WDT、CPT及HPT為0.76、0.92、0.87與0.94。絕對信度四種閾值SEM值介於0.91℃至2.69℃之間,SRD值介於2.52℃至7.46℃之間。結論:溫度感覺量化測試於腕隧道症候群病患,不論在CDT、WDT、CPT及HPT四種閾值測試,均顯示有良好的信度。溫度感覺量化測試可作為日後評估腕隧道症候群患者溫度感覺及神經功能狀態的參考依據。(物理治療 2009;34(5):280-287)


Background and Purpose: Thermal quantitative sensory testing (tQST) allows quantification of the thermal sensory function. However, the test-retest reliability of tQST in carpal tunnel syndrome has not been studied. The purpose of this study was to establish the reliability of tQST in carpal tunnel syndrome. Methods: 30 patients with carpal tunnel syndrome diagnosed by clinical symptoms and nerve conduction velocity were included in this study. The tQST was performed with a thermotest device TSA-2001 to investigate perception thresholds for cold (cold detection threshold, CDT), warmth (warm detection threshold, WDT), cold pain (cold pain threshold, CPT) and heat pain (heat pain threshold, HPT). We evaluated the intra-session reliability and the test-retest reliability. Results: The results showed that all thresholds were excellent intra-session reliability, the values of intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) for CDT, WDT, CPT and HPT were 0.86, 0.90, 0.81 and 0.89 respectively. The test-retest reliability of all thresholds were excellent, the values of ICC for CDT, WDT, CPT and HPT were 0.76, 0.92, 0.87 and 0.94 respectively. The absolute reliability, SEM values were between 0.91℃ to 2.69℃, and SRD values were between 2.52℃ to 7.46℃. Conclusion: The methodology of tQST for assessing the patients with carpal tunnel syndrome showed good reliability in CDT, WDT, CPT and
HPT. These findings offered a basis of assessment of thermal sensory nerve function in carpal tunnel syndrome. (FJPT 2009;34(5):280-287)
