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篇名 游泳池無障礙環境檢核指標之建立與現況調查
卷期 34:1
並列篇名 Development and Assessment of Evaluation Indicators for Swimming Pool Accessibility
作者 許雅雯吳昇光蔡佳良
頁次 1-8
關鍵字 無障礙環境身心障礙者高齡者游泳池Barrier-free environmentPeople with disabilitiesElderlySwimming poolsTSCI
出刊日期 200902


使用順序編制「游泳池無障礙環境檢核表」,並以不同障礙類別、障礙程度訂定分級評分標準。經專家效度及預試修正後,以方便取樣方式選取高雄市公立游泳池 4座及私人經營游泳池8座進行
實地檢核。結果:公立游泳池「建築物基本設施」水準大多優於私立游泳池,整體無障礙環境亦優於私立游泳池,但公立與私立游泳池「游泳池無障礙設施」均嚴重不足。結論:本研究所編製之檢核表能更有效地反映無障礙設備水準,並提供後續環境改善之依據;此外,高雄市公立與私立游泳池之無障礙入水設備、水中輔助設備等項目均亟需改善,才能提供行動不便者更便利且安全的游泳池無障礙環境。(物理治療 2009;34( ): -8)


Background and Purpose: Many studies have shown that swimming is beneficial for people with disabilities and the elderly. However, thus far, it seems to have been no studies on swimming pool accessibility. The purpose of the present study, therefore, was to establish the first instrument measuring swimming pool accessibility and to take physical examination on swimming pools in Kaohsiung city as a sample to realize the current accessible level. Methods: A self-designed checklist revised through expert validation and a pilot study was used to examine the accessible level of swimming pools. By a comprehensive review of regulations of barrierfree environment and other related literatures, evaluation indicators in the checklist were based on four priorities as accessibility examination and improvement, and the graded scales in the
checklist were classified according to a variety of levels and different types of impairments. Fourteen government-based swimming pools and eight privately owned and operated swimming pools in Kaohsiung city were investigated with the convenient sampling method. Results: The findings indicated that government-based swimming pools have better performances on the total accessibility levels than privately operated swimming pools in Kaohsiung city, especially among those basic architectural facilities such as toilets, fitting rooms and shower rooms. Nevertheless, both governmental and private swimming pools have a severe deficiency in the swim-specific assistant facilities. Conclusions: The self-designed checklist in the present study was more effective in reflecting the accessibility of swimming pools and can be used as a reference for further
analysis and modification. Moreover, to provide a greater accessible and safer barrier-free environment, there is an urgent need to improve swim-specific assistant facilities, such as the assistant entry into the water and aquatic facilitators. (FJPT 2009;34(1):1-8)
