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篇名 結璘奔月研究
卷期 14
並列篇名 A Study on Jyelin's Flight to the Moon
作者 王家歆
頁次 161-182
關鍵字 結璘奔月黃庭經存思日月存思奔月嫦娥奔月Jyelin's flight to the moonHuang Ting JingVisualization of the sun and the moonThe visualization of taoist's flight to the moonChang Er's flight to the moon
出刊日期 201001




The myth of Chang Er’s flight to the moon has been commonly known by a great number of people; however, fewer people are familiar with the story of Jyelin’s flight to the moon. Both questions related to Jyelin and Jyelin’s flight to the moon are complicated.The present paper investigates the two questions separately and systematically.The paper is divided into five sections. The first section is the introduction. It
involves the author’s motivations of conducting this research and defines the meaning of Jyelin. The second section examines the times for the appearances of Jyelin and Huang Ting Jing. It is divided into three parts: first, the times for the emergence of Huang Ting Jing, second, the times for the sequences of Huang Ting Wai Jiing Jing and Huang Ting
Ney Jiing Jing, and, third, the term of Jyelin latest appearing in Emperor Ai during Hsing Ning at Jihn Dynasty. From the time that Wei Huacun taught Huang Ting Ney Jiing Jing,it can be inferred that Jyelin appeared at the Weih and Jihn (two dynasties in Chinese history). The third section explores Jyelin’s flight to the moon and the visualization of the sun and the moon. It includes four parts: first, the research of modern scholars for methods of the visualization of the sun and the moon, second, the three approaches for the visualization of the sun and the moon in Huang Ting Ney Jiing Jing, third, Jyelin’sflight to the moon is equal to the visualization of taoist’s flight to the moon, and fourth,
five queens’in the moon and the visualization of taoist’s flight to the moon. The former two parts center on the visualization of the sun and the moon and the latter two parts study visualization and the visualization of taoist’s flight to the moon. The fourth section focuses on the argument on Jyelin flight to the moon and Chang Er’s flight o the moon. It
is divided into two parts. The first part is related to the records of other works of Jyelin’s flight to the moon. Both Jyelin Chi Sheng Jih and Shang Ching Tzyy Wen recorded Jyelin’s flight to the moon. The second part concerns the difference between Jyelin and Chang Er. It has been said that Jyelin was Chang Er despite the lack of strong evidence.The fifth section is conclusion. Jyelin’s flight to the moon is merely a way of discipline of Taoism and may be affected by Chang Er’s flight to the moon. The myth of Chang Er’sflight to the moon appeared prior to Jyelin’s flight to the moon.It seems that the scholars who study myth or Taoism across Taiwan straits have no deeper research into the theme of the paper and write the relevant theses. The current paper focuses on the theme and it is hoped that it can clarify some questions.
