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篇名 台灣發展協調障礙兒童之次族群分類
卷期 35:3
並列篇名 Subtypes of Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder in Taiwan
作者 朱怡菁李曜全吳昇光
頁次 243-250
關鍵字 發展協調障礙次族器常模群集分析分類Developmental coordination disorderSubtypeNormCluster analysisClassificationTSCI
出刊日期 201009


目的:本研究以台灣動作評估測驗(Taiwan Movement Assessment Test)做為分類變數將發展協調障礙(developmental coordination disorder)兒童做分類,探討各次族群之特性。方法:第一階段先以Movement ABC測驗(Movement Assessment Battery for Children Test)之台灣常模做為診斷標準,評估1365位9-12歲學童,接著再以台灣動作評估測驗作為群集分析的分類變數,將篩選出的發展協調障礙兒童分類。利用區別分析和單因子變異數分析驗證分類結果之內、外部效度。結果:依據台灣常摸,本研究之發展協調障礙兒童整體盛行率為6.3%。分類結果可分為四組次族群欠族群-屬於整體障礙類型;次族群二在球類操控較差;次族群三是視覺動作整合能力特別差;次族群四則屬於障礙程度最低的發展協調障礙兒童。結論:本研究和過去分類研究同樣地發現「整體障礙類型」之次族群的存在。從分類結果可針對次族群之動作特質來設計合適的介入計畫,並選擇適當的任務加以訓練。


Purpose: The aim of this study was to screen children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD) and classify these children with Taiwan Movement Assessment (TMA) test. Methods: At the first stage, the Movement ABC test with Taiwan norm was used to evaluate 1365 students aged 9-12 years old. At the second stage, we used ten items of the TMA test as variables of cluster analysis to classify the subtypes of DCD. Discriminant analysis and one-way ANOVA were used to examine the internal and external validity of cluster analysis. Results: The prevalence of children with DCD was 6.3% in this study using the Taiwan norm. Cluster profiles for four subtypes of DCD children were identified. Subtype one displayed deficits in general motor coordination ability. This subtype was the most severe impairment. Subtype two was poor in ball control. Subtype three experienced difficulties with visual motor integration Subtype four displayed least deficits in all movement items. Conclusion: This study proved the subtypes of "poor in all motor performance" in children with DCD. The results of identifying subtypes could help us to provide appropriate interventions for these children concerning their specific deficits of motor abilities.

