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篇名 高低衝擊有氧運動對於促進大學生站立平衡能力之效應
卷期 33:6
並列篇名 Effects of Hi-Low Impact Aerobic Exercise on Balance Ability in Healthy College Students
作者 李文心李建志柯以馨胡名霞
頁次 372-380
關鍵字 高低衝擊有氧Smart balance masterOne-leg stanceBalanceHigh-low aerobics電腦動態姿勢平衡儀單腳站立測驗平衡TSCI
出刊日期 200812




Purpose: Hi-low impact aerobic exercise has been shown to improve cardiovascular endurance, muscle strength. flexibility and coordination. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of hi-low impact aerobic exercise on balance ability in healthy college students. Methods: Volunteers were recruited amongst the students who enrolled in the hi-low impact aerobic exercise class at the beginning of the semester. A total of 16 students (9 female, 7 male) completed both the pretest and post test conducted at the beginning and end of semester respectively. During each testing session, the duration of single leg stance with eyes open or closed were measured. The dynamic posturographic test (Smart Balance Master system) was also conducted which includes sensory organization test, rhythmic weight shift test and the sustained weight shift test. The sequence of the single leg stance test and the dynamic posturographic test was randomized during each testing session. Results The results revealed that after one semester (18 hours) of hi-low impact aerobic exercise training, the students improved in the ability to stand on the left leg with eyes closed (by 7.02 seconds). Furthermore, the postural stability improved under sensory conditions of: eyes open sway-referenced surface condition (equilibrium score improved by 8.54 points), eyes closed sway-referenced surface condition (equilibrium score improved by 9.98 points). And sway-referenced surface and visual condition (equilibrium improved by 19.40 points) (p<0.05). Discussion & Conclusion: In summary, the study revealed significant training effect on single and bipedal stance stability under varying sensory conditions after one semester of hi-low impact aerobic exercise training. Future study may examine the effects of adding specific balance training programs to the routine training of athletes.
