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篇名 臨床問題:是否有任何量測工具可以用來量測腦性麻痺兒童的健康相關生活品質變化?
卷期 32:6
並列篇名 Clinical Question: Does an Instrument Measure the Changes of Health-related Quality of Life in a Child with Cerebral Palsy?
作者 侯玉真林燕慧劉文瑜關永基黃湘茹陳俊賢
頁次 333-344
關鍵字 Cerebral palsyHealth-related quality of lifeEvidence-based practice腦性麻痺健康相關生活品質實證執業TSCI
出刊日期 200712


目的:本報告用實證執業(evidence-based practice)回顧方法來探討腦性麻痺兒童的健康相關生活品質(health-related quality of life, HRQL)量測工具之心理計量學研究之品質與各工具在國內應用之可能性。方法:搜尋年代為1982年至2007年間,以Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature (CINAHL)及PubMed電子資料庫來選取文獻。最後以骨與關節手術雜誌(Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, JBJS)來決定文獻的實證層級。結果:所蒐集到使用HRQL量測工具評估腦性麻痺兒童的文獻中,所使用的評量工具包括子女健康問卷(Child Health Questionnaire, CHQ)、照顧者問卷(Caregiver Questionnaire, CQ)與兒童生活品質量測工具(Pediatric Quality of Life instrument, PedsQL)。共有18篇研究被選出。經過評估他們的實證的信效度及應用性,CHQ-PF50被選擇應用在個案上。結論:在國外已發展的3種可用於評估腦性麻痺兒童的HRQL量測工具,其心理計量學特質逐漸在建立中,但有繁體中文版的問卷建立仍有其應用的限制。顯示未來這些HRQL量測工具對國內腦性麻痺兒童的適用性仍需未來進一步探討。


Purposes: The purpose of the study was to provide an evidence-based practice (EBP) review about applications of health-related quality of life (HRQL) measures for children with cerebral palsy (CP). Methods: Articles were selected on the basis of a systematic literature search from 1982 until 2007 with the Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) and PubMed databases. Finally, the evidence level was determined by the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (JBJS) system. Results: Through systematic literature review, Child Health Questionnaire (CHQ), Pediatric Quality of Life instrument (PedsQL), and Caregiver Questionnaire (CQ) were identified. Eighteen related articles were selected. According to the evidence for validity and applicability, CHQ-PF50 was chosen to apply in this clinical scenario. Conclusions: Three HRQL measures developed within the last decade gradually constructed the psychometric properties in other countries, but their availability of Chinese versions was limited. Future research may need to investigate the feasibility of HRQL measures for children with CP in Taiwan.
