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篇名 台灣青少年的自覺生活品質
卷期 32:1
並列篇名 Self-Perceived Quality of Life for Adolescents in Taiwan
作者 王慧儀盧成皆李淑貞鄧雅凌施教諭林昭宏
頁次 1-7
關鍵字 Well-beingTaiwanese adolescentsSelf-perceived quality of life安康台灣青少年自覺生活品質TSCI
出刊日期 200702




Background and purposes: Adolescence is a critical age for resisting many preventable health problems and impairments, which may happen in their future. A better understanding of the quality of life (QoL) of adolescents is of special relevance in clinical health care, because QoL in this period forms the basis for health and QoL in adulthood. A disease-free sample of adolescent population is useful for serving as a reference group and offers norm-referenced QoL values for studies on specific populations to compare with. The study purpose was to describe the current self-perceived QoL of healthy adolescents in Taiwan. Specific objectives were to examine the association between QoL, gender, age, and area of habitation. Methods: A total of 1477 adolescents (53.2% boys), aged 10~18 years (mean 14.0 ± 2.4), participated in the study. They were recruited by convenience sampling from primary to high schools in the north, middle, south, and east areas of Taiwan. A multidimensional self-reported measure, the Student Version of Comprehensive Quality of Life Scale (ComQoL-S), was used. ComQoL-S is a global measure of subjective and objective QoL. Both of them consist of seven domains. The ComQoL-S scores were calculated as a percentage of the maximum score (%SM), which represents the highest positive QoL. Results: The findings showed that the overall objective and subjective QoL scores were 62.2%SM and 67.9%SM, respectively. In the objective subscale, the adolescents reported the highest scores (85.2%) in the health domain whereas the emotion domain was the lowest scores (49.5%). For subjective subscale, the highest score was in the intimacy domain (71.7%) while the lowest score was in the productivity domain (59.9%). Boys scored significantly lower than girls in several objective domains. Lower QoL scores were found in older age groups. Furthermore, lower objective score was found in participants living in the east country. In contrast, participants residing in the middle country reported significantly lower subjective QoL scores. Conclusion: This study demonstrated the multidimensional aspects of QoL among adolescents in Taiwan; different extents of variations in self-perceived QoL were observed in different genders, age groups, and resident areas.
