
Journal of Aeronautics, Astronautics and Aviation . Series A EIScopus

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篇名 Neural Network and Fuzzy Logic Theory with Applications to Trajectory Organization
卷期 40:2
作者 Chen, Hsin-yuanLiu, Chia-yenJian, Chih-ming
頁次 105-111
關鍵字 Neural networkFuzzy logicMobile robotEI
出刊日期 200806



The paper presents the trajectory organization with obstacles for a
Mobile robot. In this paper, there are four features: (1) We design
octomorphic trajectory by using Neural Network. (2) We generate the safety
collision-avoidance trajectory with fuzzy logic. (3) We combine Neural
Network and fuzzy logic for trajectory organization with obstacles. (4) We
construct the simulation to prove the proposed approach in this paper.
