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篇名 頸部壓痛閾值、關節活動度與自覺疼痛的相關性
卷期 29:4
並列篇名 The Relationships among Cervical Pressure Threshold, Range of Motion and Perceived Pain
作者 蔡涵如曹昭懿
頁次 242-247
關鍵字 Perceived painRange of motionTendernessCervical spine自覺疼痛關節活動度頸椎壓痛TSCI
出刊日期 200408


背景及目的:壓痛( tenderness )與關節活動度( range of motion )對自覺疼痛的預測性目前未知。本研究目的為探討壓痛閾值、頸椎關節活動度與自覺疼痛的相關,並希望找出代表性的評佔項目。方法:以某航空公司地勤人員為對象,用問卷調查一週內有無頸部疼痛,以頸關節活動測試儀測量頸椎前屈、後仰、左右側彎、左右旋轉與頭水平前移 7 項活動度,並以壓痛閾值測試儀測量兩側上斜方肌壓痛閾值。結果:425 位受試者中,一週內有頸部疼痛 162 人,無頸部疼痛 263 人。一週內有頸部疼痛者之後仰、左右旋轉與頭水平前移等4項關節活動度顯著低於無疼痛者(p<0.05),且頸椎後仰與旋轉每增加 1 度,一週內沒有頸部疼痛的機率為一週有頸部疼痛的機率的1.033與 1.055倍(p<0.05)。除了關節活動度同動作左右側活動度間與壓痛閾值的兩側間有中到高度的相關(r=0.55~0.93)以外,其餘測量相關性低。結論:關節活動度可反應出病患的自覺疼痛,適合應用在臨床評估中。而各方向的關節活動度相互間相關性不高,評估關節活動度時,各方向活動度皆應測量。(物理治療2004;29 (4) : 242-247 )


Background and purposes: Pressure threshold and range of motion are the most common items in clinical evaluation of patients with cervical pain. However, there are not clearly defined relationships among pressure threshold, range of motion and perceived pain. The purposes of this study were to assess the relationships among pressure threshold, range of motion and perceived pain in cervical region, and to determine the representative evaluation items in clinical application. Methods: This study recruited subjects who work in an airplane company. We measured cervical range of motion including flexion, extension, left/right side bending, left/right rotation and forward head, pressure threshold of bilateral upper trapezious. Questionnaire was used to record neck pain experience in past one week. Results: Four hundred and twenty-five subjects were recruited; 162 of them reported neck pain in past one week and 263 reported no neck pain experience. Subjects who had experienced pain in past one week have significantly lower range of motion than those without pain in extension, bilateral rotation and forward head (p < 0.05). The correlations among cervical range of motion and pressure threshold are low, except for bilateral rotations (r = 0.55), bilateral side-bendings (r =0.76) and bilateral pressure thresholds (r = 0.93). The odds ratios of no perceived pain were 1.033 and 1.055 in every l°(p<0.05) increment in cervical extension and in rotation. Conclusions: Range-of-motion test may be a useful tool to represent the perceived pain. Ranges of all cervical motions are equally important in clinical evaluation. (FJPT 2004;29(4):242-247)
