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篇名 Shaping Performance Comparison Using Three NiTi Rotary Systems in Simulated Curved Canals by General Dentists
卷期 3:3
並列篇名 資深牙醫師操作三種鎳鈦旋轉式銼針之修形比較
作者 涂明君黃恆立許瑞廷薛水上江顯雄
頁次 038-044
關鍵字 鎳-鈦旋轉式器械根管修形擬彎曲根管的透明樹脂塊NiTi rotary systemshaping performancesimulated curved canals
出刊日期 200812


結論:HERO Shaper操作花費時間最短並具統計學上意義;一般而言開業醫師在經過兩小時的鎳-鈦器械課程與實地操作後在樹脂塊可維持正中根管修形效果。結果:以ProTaper、K3、HERO Shaper三種系統操作時間為3.16±1.2分、5.72±3.42分及2.68±0.82分。在根尖區向上4 mm管腔以ProTaper與K3在正中修形上無差異,HERO Shaper系統則有偏向內側面修形。方法:15位臺中地區畢業15年的開業醫在同等環境下學習三種鎳-鈦系統在擬彎曲40度的透明根管樹脂塊作修形。記錄受試者修形操作時間,掃描重疊影像儲存,以AutoCAD軟體自根尖向上0-4 mm處的根管偏移(canal deviation)記錄與統計分析。目的:比較未有鎳-鈦旋轉式器械操作經驗的牙醫師以三種鎳-鈦旋轉式ProTaper、K3、HERO Shaper系統在擬彎曲根管做根管修形的操作時間及修形差異性。


Aim: To describe the shaping performances using three new NiTi rotary systems by general dentists in simulated curved canals. Methodology: Fifteen Taichung city general dentists who have been graduated front dental school over 15 years and have no experience using NiTi rotary systems as clinical usage were included in this study. Simulated curved canal resin blocks were prepared using three NiTi rotary systems-ProTaper, K3, and HERO Shaper. The preparation time and canal deviation in the apical 4 mm of the canal length and statistical analysis was performed. Results: The mean times taken to prepare the canal were 3.16±1.2 minutes in the ProTaper group, 5.72± 3.42 minutes in the K3 group, and 2.68±0.82 minutes in the HERO Shaper group. There was statistic different between ProTaper and K3 groups in preparation time (p=0.021). There was no significant difference between these ProTaper and HERO Shaper groups in preparation time (p=0.2739). HERO Shaper group revealed more deviating inner wall cutting at the apical 1-4 mm of the canals than other two groups. There was no statistical difference between the ProTaper and K3 groups in maintaining original shape. Conclusions: The least time consuming in canal preparation is HERO Shaper group. In general, all of the three types of rotary systems can maintain the original canal shape in simulated canal resin blocks preparation by the general dentists within a two hours curriculum and practice.
