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篇名 貴金屬嵌體和電腦輔助設計製造陶瓷嵌體於後牙復形的臨床應用及選擇-病例報告
卷期 4:3
並列篇名 Clinical Usage and Choice of High-Gold Alloy Inlay and CAD-CAM Ceramic Inlay for Restoring Posterior Teeth-Case Report
作者 吳朋儒葉淑端
頁次 031-038
關鍵字 貴金屬嵌體陶瓷嵌體電腦輔助設計製造間接式復形物樹脂性黏合劑high-gold alloy inlayceramic inlayCAD-CAMindirect restorationresin cement
出刊日期 200912




There are several treatment options for restoring posterior teeth. When a large defect or superior control of contours and contacts are desired, indirect procedures not only can prevent the shrinkage of the composite resin filling, but also can offer greater control over complex tooth form and occlusion stability. The most used materials of indirect inlay restoration are high-gold alloy and ceramic. Gold inlay provides a strong, biocompatible, long-lasting option with a long history of outstanding service in dentistry. During recent years, increased demands for aesthetics in dentistry resulted in the development of restorative materials and CAD/CAM technology for the fabrication of ceramic restoration. This report discusses these two kinds of inlay system, and presents the clinical cases for helping practitioners in making the most appropriate selection.
