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篇名 以根尖移位瓣膜手術暴露高位埋伏齒的省思-14年之病例追蹤報告
卷期 4:4
並列篇名 Uncovering the High Impacted Canine with Apically Positioned Flap-A Case with Fourteen Years Follow Up
作者 吳蘊蘊楊瑞賢王宏榮
頁次 034-038
關鍵字 根尖移位瓣膜手術高位埋伏齒Apically positioned Flaphigh impacted teeth
出刊日期 201003


回顧文獻暴露埋伏齒有三種方式,包括:切除性牙齦切除術(excisional gingivectomy)、覆蓋性萌發術(closed eruption technique, CE)和根尖移位瓣膜手術(apically positioned flap, APF),各有其適應症。其中根尖移位瓣膜手術困難度高但可以提供足夠的附著性牙齦。本病例為一13歲女性,#23垂直高位埋伏,以根尖移位瓣膜手術(APF)將其暴露,並以矯正方式將其牽引到吱合面。其間因瓣膜附著的位置不理想,故再度施行牙冠移位瓣膜手術(coronally positioned flap, CPF)調整角化牙齦位置。另外,因瓣膜手術產生的牙齦疤痕組織(gingival scarring)在14年的追蹤後消失無形。


Three ways to uncover the impacted teeth are excisional gingivectomy, closed eruption technique (CE tech.) and apically positioned flap (APF). They have different indications respectively. The case presented is a 13 years old female with high impacted canine over maxillary left side. At first, apically positioned flap was performed to uncover the impacted tooth. During the treatment, a coronally positioned flap was operated due to unsatisfactory result of the flap position attached. After fourteen years follow up, we found the drawback of APF technique-gingival scarring-remolded itself.
